Thu - July 3, 2003


Disappointment all around

Posted at 09:11 AM   My Drama   Read More   Email Comments

Wed - July 2, 2003

Just a day...

Just another uneventful day

Posted at 09:07 AM   My Drama   Read More   Email Comments

Mon - June 30, 2003

Im Back

So its been a few days...

Posted at 11:14 PM   My Drama   Read More   Email Comments

Fri - June 27, 2003


What an all around crappy day.

Posted at 09:06 AM   My Drama   Read More   Email Comments

Thu - June 26, 2003

Ok, so this is nuts...

Doctors Hitting on me, Listerine runs in the morning...

Posted at 10:06 AM   My Drama   Read More   Email Comments

Wed - June 25, 2003

Wednesday 6/255/03

Oh my goodness...

Posted at 11:50 PM   My Drama   Read More   Email Comments

The Latest Idea

Posted at 11:14 PM   Movies   Read More   Email Comments

© Jason