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So its been a few days...

Ok, its been a few days since I have written.
I went home over the weekend to visit friends that i had grown up with when i was a child. It was good to see everyone again. So much of us has changed and yet there is still a lot that has remained the same. Chris is still smarter than all of us and knows it. DeWayne is still hot, tho he has filled out a little. My guess is from being on his mission and not being allowed all the activity time he was used to. Courtney is still a ditz at times, but with good intentions. She can still be a bit of selfish child and resembles her mother when she throws a fit. Brian Still hot but growing farther and farther in to his red neck roots which i think will in the end consume him as he delves deeper into the traditional ways. I see him moving to Tennessee or West Virginia to join the rest of them. Kathy, she is the same. Loud, obnoxious, but pretty and pink as ever. hopefully she will grow out of it at some point. Matthew has grown so much. He is tall, but still retaining a bit of his pot belly. He is growing to be an attractive young man, if he can just work off his pot belly he would be so cute. Still young tho, trying to fit in with all the rest of us. Matt, strangely enough has a girlfriend...But still goofy looking and so much of a nerd it makes me appreciate the ones that I am surrounded by on a daily basis. Harry, still hiding and trying not to let anyone see how he is really feeling or what he is thinking. Mr. and Mrs. Ovard...same, they are still Old in a young world. My parents will never change, :: smiles at the thought:: but that is surely for the better. I would just dye from laughter at the sight of my parents in UFO pants dancing to Paul Van Dike, or wrapping bandanas around their arms and pimpin' it out to Jay-Z...I can't even imagine them in the world of POP music. But that is all for the best.
I think my father is starting to catch on to my massive amounts of debt though as I made the mistake of brining a bag of gadgets along with me. Oh well...nothing I can do about that at this point in time.
Well I must get some work done on the movie before I go to bed this evening.
Write you all again tomorrow.

Posted: Mon - June 30, 2003 at 11:14 PM   DigitalBoi BLoggin   My Drama   Email Comments

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