
What an all around crappy day.

Ok, Today was shitty...Work dragged on like it was never going to end, I was tired groggy and cranky all day, Bobby was being an ass to me <my best friend that lives next door>.
Work was just shit like always nothing new there but the day was just going by so slow that i wanted to kill my self. every time i looked at the clock 7:30 seemed to be getting farther and farther away like time was in reverse or something.
But it finally ended...I got some of the script done while I was at work so to make room for it on my Mac I started to edit up the footage wasn't from pride...I didn't get very far because some friends came over...bobby had invited people over for a part and wasn't I was entertaining them till he got back...thank god it was just shannon and her sister. The rest of them got in his apartment some how, which i thought was totally weird...thats just me I guess. Any way TWO people asked me to tell bobby to contact them because they wanted to take him to the baseball shitty is that...not one of them even said a word to me about going, or even a "Don't have any tickets maybe next time" kinda thing...what ever...ass holes. Its like I am his personal assistant or something sometimes i swear. Its not even that I mind...I would just like to be shown a bit of appreciation, for instance. I was going to tell him last night to contact them and that I was working at 9:30 not ten so if he wanted a ride he would have to be ready by then...but when i started talking to him he was being totally rude and an i didn't even finnish telling him. I was to i was bothering him by telling him that i had to work earlier...I mean, i have been driving his ass around and letting him use my car for like four months now...the least he could do is not take his shitty attitude and fling it at me...i just hate being taken advantage of and taken for granted...and i think that is what is happening. He has just gotten so used to me doing everything that he doesn't even remember that I am a person any more.
Well that is enough ranting for tonight. See you in the morning.

Posted: Fri - June 27, 2003 at 09:06 AM   DigitalBoi BLoggin   My Drama   Email Comments

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