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Here is is DigitalBoi.net v2.0 Fully uploaded and opperational, if I like the site I will update it with more content soon, if not...look for v3.0

I have added new content to this site and removed some from it that was on the other site...if you notice something that was removed that you think should be put back up let me know...and I will see what I can do.

08:24:02 DigitalBoi.net debuts

12:08:02 My Profile Page Added (see if you can find the link to it ;-)

08:25:02 DigitalBoi.net Temporary Page published

12:08:02 Starlapoet Webpage banner added

09:15:02 "What is your favorite TV show" Survey added. ...Have you taken it yet?

01:13:03 New Site design under construction.

09:17:02 Cycling Section Completed

02:03:03 New Media added! Check out!

09:20:02 "Top 10 Movies" Survey added...

02:21:03 ShowTimes Queer As Folk Banner added to page!Check it out!

09:21:02 "#1 Golden Girl" Survey added... 02:21:03 ShowTimes Queer As Folk Banner added to page!Check it out!
10:20:02 Auto-Mobles Section Completed

03:12:03 New page design published! What do you think of it?

11:28:02 My Photography page completed 03:20:03 Legal page Added
12:04:02 Auto-Mobles section completed 03:20:03 Piracy Page Added
12:05:02 "Servey Says" pages completed 03:20:03 Piracy Page Added
12:05:02 Dragon counter Added, Courtesy of BoingDragon.com 03:20:03 Jobs? Page Added
12:06:02 Trips section added under "My Photography" 03:20:03 Joyus Le Movie Added on Movie Page! Check it Out!
12:07:02 Friends pictures add to Photography page 03:23:03 Site images updated!
12:07:02 Added IansCookie.com Banner & link 05:11:03 New Movie Uploaded!! Check it out!
12:07:02 Published Site For All to see! 06:25:03 Added a Blog! Check it out!
12:08:02 TrafficZap Exchange Banner Added  

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